cMate-FSS Fire Safety Systems

cMate-FSS Fire Safety Systems

By Maxim Lukyanenko

  • Категорія: Book
  • Дата випуску: 2020-01-31
  • Поточна версія: 1.0
  • Вікова категорія: 4+
  • Розмір файлу: 8.73 MB
  • Розробник: Maxim Lukyanenko
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS 10.0 або новіша.
Оцінка: 1
З 1 балів


cMate-FSS Code. Fire Safety Systems The FSS Code or International Code for Fire Safety Systems is a set of international treaties organised by the International Maritime Organization under the SOLAS Convention that are designed to reduce the risk of fire, and aid in emergency response aboard ships. Some of the components of the code were constructed after some high-profile passenger ship disasters over the last century. Language: English


