Shadow Fight 3 - RPG Fighting

Shadow Fight 3 - RPG Fighting

By Nekki Limited

  • Категорія: Games
  • Дата випуску: 2017-11-16
  • Поточна версія: 1.40.2
  • Вікова категорія: 12+
  • Розмір файлу: 382.86 MB
  • Розробник: Nekki Limited
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS 13.0 або новіша.
Оцінка: 4.54415
З 12,377 балів


Legend has it that a hero will come to end the fight for shadow energy. He will have to learn three fighting styles, collect the best weapons and challenge the strongest warriors. The world is on the edge of an epic war. The mighty force unleashed by the Gates of Shadows many years ago has turned into a weapon, and now three war clans are fighting to decide the future of this force. The Legion warriors want to destroy the dangerous energy. The people of the Dynasty want to use it for their own benefit. While the mysterious ninjas of the Heralds clan explore the darkest secrets of the shadow power. Three clans, three world views, and three fighting styles. Which side will you join? Shadow Fight 3 - is an online RPG fighting game that continues the story of the Shadow Fight universe with new characters in 3D. Get ready for action, cool brawls with powerful fighters, and an exciting adventure around the world, where mystical forces reign. CREATE AN EPIC HERO Ninja, knight, or samurai? Only you can choose who your hero will be. Win unique skins in battles and customize your equipment colors to create a unique look. WIN BATTLES Explore the fighting styles of each of the 3 clans to create your personal combat style. Your hero can fight like a cunning ninja or a mighty knight. Harness shadow energy to deliver powerful and impressive blows that can change the course of the battle. COMPLETE THE STORY Warriors around the world await the appearance of a hero who will end the struggle for the power of the shadows. Influence the storyline by choosing your clan. Defeat powerful bosses to challenge your nemesis, and then explore other worlds and travel back in time to learn new details of the story. SHOW OFF YOUR SKILL Even when the main story battle is over, the action continues. Win duels by fighting other players' heroes controlled by AI. Brawl with the strongest warriors to take a place at the TOP-100 leaderboard and become a legend of your region! COLLECT SETS Collect your personal arsenal of weapons and armor to experiment in battles and look cool in duels. After collecting a full set of equipment, you get unique abilities to make it easier to win in a brawl. PARTICIPATE IN EVENTS Fight in regular themed events where you can win rare skins, colors, weapons, and armor. In these battles, you will face new heroes and learn a lot of interesting details about the world of Shadow Fight. ENJOY THE GRAPHICS Colorful scenery and realistic combat animations can rival the best console games. JOIN THE COMMUNITY Follow us on social media to learn the tricks and secrets of the game from fellow players! Share the stories of your adventure, get updates and participate in competitions to win great prizes! Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: KEEP FIGHTING! Note: * Shadow Fight 3 is an online game and requires a stable internet connection Requires iOS 11.0 or later Compatible with iPhone 6, iPod touch 6th gen, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 4, iPad Pro or higher



  • .

    By QW1XX1
    я когда бью сержанта, ему просто не наносится урон, даже если я с очень сильной бронёй. Когда мы вместе бьем, то мне наносится урон, а ему нет. (Я его бью, он тупо не убивается)
  • Bad

    By kyy26262
    Game = pay to win
  • Донатерская помойка

    By Pr0sto_L1mb0
    Если ты не донатишь в эту помойку, даже не пытайся в это играть! Вторая часть была лучше!
  • Реклама

    By Waswer2
    Рекламна помойка
  • Гамно а не Ігра

    By Я не лох73636
  • Доброго дня.

    Весь час грав в гру на андроїд, перейшов на айфон. Але не можу повернути прогрес. Як перенести прогрес з андроїда до айфон?
  • Самая хучая игра в мире

    By Alla Nails
    Третывага босса невазможна пабедит хатаби дали оружее штобы была легче его пабедит🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
  • Боссы сложные но веселые

    By MuR_pLay
    Игра хорошая боссы сложные и нужно думать что бы убить каждого их них
  • Добавьте пж

    By секретний
    Пожалуйста, добавьте систему трейда, я считаю она очень нужна. У меня недавно друг начал играть я хотел ему помоч но не могу. И дайте ответ если да или нет, вашая игра так что ваш ответ закон для нас игроков!!!
  • Просьба

    By ンzvギdn
    Можна пожалуйста сет змеинава царя я не успел его получить

