Exploding Kittens® 2

Exploding Kittens® 2

By Marmalade Game Studio

  • Категорія: Games
  • Дата випуску: 2024-08-12
  • Поточна версія: 0.0.27
  • Вікова категорія: 9+
  • Розмір файлу: 519.61 MB
  • Розробник: Marmalade Game Studio
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS 13.0 або новіша.
Оцінка: 4.125
З 8 балів


The ultimate card game with friends is back with a bang, people! EXPLODING KITTENS® 2 has it all – customisable avatars, emojis, oodles of game modes and cards full of quirky humour and animations sleeker than an oiled kitty with catnip-fuelled zoomies! Plus, the official EXPLODING KITTENS® 2 game brings the most-requested mechanic of all…the Nope card! Stuff a glorious Nope Sandwich right into the horrified faces of your friends – with extra Nopesauce, of course. HOW TO PLAY EXPLODING KITTENS® 2 Download the EXPLODING KITTENS® 2 online game. Optional: Get your friends to download it too. Each player plays as many cards as they like on their turn OR passes! The player then draws a card to end their turn. If it’s an EXPLODING KITTEN, they’re out (unless they have a handy Defuse card). Keep going until only one player is left standing! FEATURES CUSTOMISE YOUR AVATARS — Dress your avatar up in the season’s hottest outfits (cat hair not included) REACT TO GAMEPLAY — Personalise your emoji sets to ensure your trash talk has a razor-sharp edge. MULTIPLE GAME MODES — Play alone against our expert AI or impress your mum with your sparkling social life by playing with friends online! ANIMATED CARDS — The mayhem comes to life with awesome animations! Those Nope cards just hit different now… Steady yourself, think of calming waves and draw a card!


