Cluedo Companion

Cluedo Companion

By Marmalade Game Studio

  • Категорія: Utilities
  • Дата випуску: 2024-03-11
  • Поточна версія: 0.0.8
  • Вікова категорія: 12+
  • Розмір файлу: 811.23 MB
  • Розробник: Marmalade Game Studio
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS 12.0 або новіша.


Love playing Cluedo on PC or console with friends and family in the same room? Make sure to keep your cards concealed! With your trusty Cluedo Companion app in hand, you can easily keep track of your suspect list, potential murder weapons, and the scene of the crime without anyone sneaking a peek! If anyone’s going to find out whodunit, it’s you! Keep a watchful eye on your suspects, mark down who you think has a watertight alibi, and pull together the perfect accusation. Download the official Cluedo Companion app today – the only sidekick a top-tier detective can trust! This app requires you to have Cluedo on PlayStation®, Nintendo Switch™, Xbox or Steam®. FEATURES LOCAL PLAY MADE EASY — Download the Cluedo Companion app on your phone and keep your notes and cards close to hand easily. CUSTOMISED TO YOUR CHARACTER — Your app’s colour scheme will automatically match your character choice! Solve the crime in style! SEAMLESS GAME FLOW — Boot up CLUEDO on your chosen platform, pick Local Game, then enter the code on the Cluedo Companion app on your phone. You’re ready to get sleuthing!


