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  • Розмір файлу: 0 bytes
  • Розробник:
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS або новіша.




  • Есть проблема

    By Татаренко
    Самый любимый файлообменник. Но после последнего обновления стал переворачивать картинки в пдф в альбомах Исправьте ошибку. Цем
  • No way to remove a payment method.

    By Yevhen Suhomud
    It is a shame how companies nowadays trying to hide and make really hard to remove payment methods. I spend hours trying to understand how I can remove my credit card and did not found. The reason I tried to delete it because I noticed that they tried to charge my card for 23$ even though I have free plan. I hope with removing my account the payment method is also removed.
  • Don’t trust your personal files to Dropbox!

    By Malenkova89
    I've been a Dropbox customer for many, many years. Today, for the first time in history, I was faced with the fact that my account was disabled. Having gone through the stages of panic and misunderstanding, I sent several requests to the help center. At first, I thought that my account was hacked, but now I understand that it was simply blocked for no reason. I am from Ukraine and there is a war in our country. I kept almost everything in the Dropbox in case my family and I had to evacuate in an emergency reason. I trusted Dropbox with my most valuable assets - a photo archive of my family and my child. And kept them online only. This will be a lesson for me. You can't be trusted.
  • You can’t change password

    By yarovoy16
    Not possible change password
  • Гарний додаток, але є з одним бісячим багом

    By Wqqq
    Сам додаток використовую для сканування та зберігання документів. Але уже декілька років на різних пристроях (хоч на ipad pro, хоч на iphone 15 pro max) доволі часто трапляється, що після сканування документа додаток зависає або вилітає. І усі відскановані сторінки треба знову сканувати заново в надії, що цього разу dropbox не зависне. Цей баг не виправляється уже довгий час, хоча оновлення і проводяться.
  • Stop your scamers subscription!

    By Eng.student
    On account free accoubt but you charging me 3 month! Stop it scamers
  • Great App

    By Lena_2023
    Dropbox is a user-friendly app designed for file storage and sharing. I recommend it to students, professionals, and anyone who needs to access their documents, photos, or videos from anywhere. Its primary purpose is to store and sync files securely in the cloud, making them accessible on multiple devices. You can upload, organize, and share your files with ease, which is especially useful for collaborative work or backing up important data. The app's simplicity and efficiency make it suitable for people with various tech skills, from beginners to more advanced users, enhancing productivity and file management.
  • Отзыв

    By Arab)
    Худшее из худших, это название вашего приложения, не способного работать с указанным форматом
  • Крадіжка коштів

    By мариааа
    Чому ваша програма знімає з мене кошти хоч я вже більше року відписалася від вашої програми!!!
  • Poor

    By sergio__d__
    So horrible service what I saw. No working. I have a premium and I was connected to support to issue my problem and support was delete and close the chat and don’t resolve my issue.

