GRID™ Autosport Custom Edition

GRID™ Autosport Custom Edition

By Feral Interactive Ltd

  • Категорія: Games
  • Дата випуску: 2021-09-17
  • Поточна версія: 1.10.1
  • Вікова категорія: 4+
  • Розмір файлу: 1.52 GB
  • Розробник: Feral Interactive Ltd
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS 14.0 або новіша.
Оцінка: 3.64138
З 145 балів


Please note: Owners of the main GRID Autosport game already have access to all Custom Edition content. Take GRID Autosport's irresistible mix of simulation and arcade handling for a free test drive. Then, whenever you are ready, customise the experience with additional paid Content Packs to take your pro-racing career to the next level. PLAY YOUR WAY Get a feel for life in the fast lane before competing in new racing disciplines with additional Content Packs. Only pay for the cars you want to drive and tracks you want to race. CONSOLE-QUALITY RACING GRID Autosport Custom Edition looks and feels exceptional, with outstanding visuals and pin-sharp performance. CUSTOMISABLE CONTROLS Switch between intuitive customisable controls: Tilt, Wheel Touch, Arrow Touch or Gamepad. SCALABLE DIFFICULTY From nice ‘n’ easy to devilishly hard, you set the bar and handle the car. === Important information regarding GRID Autosport: GRID Autosport requires iOS 14 or later. You will need 1.5GB of free space to install the base game and a further 6GB of space to install all of the Content Packs. We recommend having at least 8GB of free space to avoid installation issues. Supported iPhones: • iPhone 6S / 6S Plus and later • Any iPhone SE • iPod Touch (7th generation, 2019) Supported iPads: • iPad mini (5th generation, 2019) and later • iPad Air (3rd generation, 2019) and later • iPad (5th generation, 2017) and later • Any iPad Pro • If you require assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected] © 2014-2024 The Codemasters Software Company Limited ("Codemasters"). All rights reserved. "Codemasters"®, "Ego"®, the Codemasters logo and "GRID"® are registered trademarks owned by Codemasters. "GRID Autosport"™ and "Codemasters Racing"™ are trademarks of Codemasters. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under license. Originally developed and published by Codemasters. Developed for and published on iOS by Feral Interactive Limited. iOS, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Feral and the Feral logo are trademarks of Feral Interactive Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.



  • Розвод

    Ігру купив рік тому зараз пише треба знову купляти
  • Проблема с настраойкой управления

    By Listik (ua)
    Пробная версия проблемная ,ни кнопки настроить и исправить ваши же недоработки в плане управления нет возможности , позорно что в игре нельзя настроить управление не выходя из неё
  • Игра-отстой

    By АРТЕМ666739/
    Плохая игра. Там можно играть только за деньги ну и пару гонок
  • Offline

    By denko1712
    Please add offline gameplay ?
  • One big problem!!

    By миша п
    Just make it for free, 3 races.. it’s terrible
  • terrible graphics settings

    By Skriptonit_0
    The game is just terrible, I downloaded the trial version and I don’t quite understand why I can’t customize the graphics for myself and have to use these stinky settings with cloudy steering wheel. I don’t advise anyone
  • Boring and same type.

    By Igaross
    Very quickly gets bored, no progress and monotony. There are also several bugs that have not been fixed for years. It’s about shifting gear while holding the gas or brake pedal.
  • Управління

    By kuzichleigh
    Добре що є безкоштовна версія. Управління у грі жахливе. Не буду купувати повну версію
  • Недопонимание покупки и самой игры

    By Жахжахжах
    Хочу купить игру, ввожу пароль и тд а мне выдает что не верный пароль, что это такое!? Еще и управление непонятное, не поворачивает авто, нет автоматизации, сделайте чтоб игра была лучше любой другой, завезите обнов и оптимизируйте ее. Но еще б хотелось разнообразности по звездам, допустим гонки гонками, дрифт, ралли, городская езда, разработчики, увидите, услышьте, ответьте.
  • Please add weather effects

    By pashokdnb
    Insane graphics and physics, just very lacks some weather effects

