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  • Розмір файлу: 0 bytes
  • Розробник:
  • Сумісність: Версія iOS або новіша.




  • More donations!

    By criplenumbaone
    Вічний генератор донатів. Працює ця гра за схемою казино, ти спочатку виграєш, бо у тебе класні карти, а потім все стрімко спускаєш, шоб купити за донат монети, бо інакше більше не пограєш. Доречі зароблені монети мають здібність кудись зникати з часом.
  • Гореть вам в аду!

    By Stasset2233
    Разработчики UNO, Горите в аду!!! 🔥🔥🔥
  • Одна звезда

    By odksndjxixi
    Много рекламы , после каждый игры реклама , не возможно 🙄
  • Рекламная помойка

    By Comermandovich
    25 миллионов реклам за 1 игру, кал рекламный
  • It's rigged f this bs!

    By Someoneniemand
    F this game, like seriously! The is no fkn way possible to win 100+K coins and then loose every single next game till complete 0! Zero! Why such a BS game even exists! The game is heavenly rigged! It's "pay-to-win"! I'm activity grinding it and I've noticed that algorithms are tuned in a way that the more you play the more you loose... Also bots are def present in the game! It's clearly seen especially when you loose all your coins, regain them and then play first match after. Those bots will do everything for you to win! It's extremely obvious, even based on remaining cards on hands! It's done to hook you up in the game, using SMH like "near win" gambling psychology in casinos. I've made over a 1M coins more than 3 times. Within the next few days I end up with 0 ) my overall coins win stat is over 33M yet I have 0 coins to play with ) Every new update make you lose more and more ) even "card adventure" felt like rigged pseudo-random card pick, where cards are opening with visible delay, which is super easy to make your pick a wrong one. "Stroll" mini game not a difference. It's not even a doubt which number will be on a dice ) clearly made to make you stuck. Constant popups with "pay here, pay there, buy more coins..." and all the same BS is really annoying, which shows you how much it's tied to micro transactions and make you pay for every single button you press.
  • Жалоба

    By 1111133457899
    Единица за постоянную рекламу . После каждого раунда ! Надоело просто . И отказаться нельзя и время зря теряешь. Ну сколько можно уже .
  • Unfair game

    By не имя
    i have faced huge imbalances in this game, me and my friend are playing together and nearly half of the games we are in the situation where we have colour change card, but our opponents +4 wild card, and if our opponents draw 2 or 4 cards they will get +4 card to their hand meanwhile us in the same case will get nothing special. it’s not an exception, it’s a rule in this game, it’s happening over and over again. how to deal with it and win games by skill, not by luck
  • Just a casino

    By angy_shaho
    How could such a cool, fun, family game be turned into a ludomaniac casino? Everything in the game is aimed at making you lose your coins and buy for REAL money coins and again to spend. These endless bets, impossible to win anything, typical casino where it's not your skills and skill that plays a role but just luck and algorithms. Shame on you!
  • Обновление

    By Марина_25
    После обновления стало очеееееень лагать
  • UNO

    The best

